Monday, July 7, 2014

Early July Gardening

Rains have slowed and HOT weather is here...although we were spoiled right before Independence Day with lows around 52 (great sleeping weather) and 80% chance of heavy rains later tonight.  The garden is looking a bit barren right now...decided not to do green beans this year to make room for other veggies.  Before you know it, empty space will be filled again with fall beets, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.  In fact, I'll be starting some seeds indoors this week to be set out in early August.

Picking the first of the cucumbers (Tasty Green, Garden Oasis, Chelsea Prize, Boston Pickling)...picked carrots this evening, and will probably pick onions tomorrow...tomatoes are looking really good but nothing ripe yet.

Here are some pics from the garden this evening.
six squares of carrots...kuroda and nantes

dill plants full of tiger swallowtail caterpillars...there are two main reasons we grow dill 1) pickles, 2) food source for tiger swallow tail butterflies, 3) collect more dill seed.

carrot monster....
nope, actually this is Princess Anna of Arendelle picking carrots for Sven the reindeer.

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